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Labcorp is your gateway to cutting-edge research and drug development.
Support for biopharmaceutical partners, investigator sites and patients is driven by more than 14,000 Labcorp colleagues worldwide.
From drug discovery to clinical trial testing and diagnostic development and commercialization, today’s Labcorp combines the innovations of more than five decades supporting our biopharma partners in bringing new therapies to patients.
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Global Locations
Access global reach through our comprehensive network of drug development labs.
North America
Flagship locations in Madison (WI) and Indianapolis (IN) are complemented with several specialty labs across the U.S.
Flagship locations in Harrogate (U.K.) and Geneva (Switzerland) are supported by centers of excellence and kit production throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Advance your objectives in Asia with our recent expansions in Shanghai and Singapore and a major project underway in Japan.